Tractor Mirror Arm Development

Some time ago we reached a good cooperation with a well-known manufacturer of motor vehicle accessories. This client has 50 years of production experience, and the main products are auto parts and tractor parts.

We produced a batch of tractor rearview mirror booms for him and carried out the process from supplier selection to production and testing.

This project is a mature project that the client has already mass-produced, and there is a reason why he asked us for help. The first point is that they want to improve product performance by adding new test requirements, but the original suppliers need the new test capabilities that the client needs. Another reason is that the client wants to reduce production costs, so we need to find a supplier with a suitable price for him.

Develop New Suppliers

We have emotional development experience in the field of auto parts, so we have accumulated a large number of supplier partners. To help clients find suppliers with the highest cost performance and mature production technology, we are not limited to existing suppliers. Still, we continue to develop new suppliers based on existing ones.

Our SQE  went to the factory to inspect it according to the client’s requirements, conducted factory inspections, and finally found a factory that could meet the client’s target price. Its production capacity could guarantee the delivery date.

Trial Order Stage

During the trial order stage, DEWIN’s QC stayed in the factory for more than a month, monitoring the entire production process and controlling product quality according to client requirements.

At this stage, the client added new test requirements, and the two tests were the load test and the X-ray test. DEWIN’s QC assisted the supplier in finding the relevant X-ray third-party test structure and built a load test platform, which finally met the client’s test requirements.

Load test

No. of Samples tested should conform to the following requirements.

Initial part (after start up scrap) / Final part in run volume of 5000 pieces.

Additional part per every 5000 pieces in the run (taken at approximately 5000 piece intervals.

Additional part if process has been stopped for more than one hour. This to be done at process start up.

X-ray test

Porosity acceptance and rejection critera:

To be agreed with supplier in accordance with ASTM E505;

Sampling for radiography; radiography examinination shall be done on a maximum of 3 sets at the time of ISIR submission;

Section for radiography is marked on drawing as section “Z-Z”.


With the help of the DEWIN team, the supplier completed all performance tests and simultaneously helped the supplier improve production efficiency and optimize the production process. The most important thing is that this client also signed an order that satisfies him at the best price.



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